Christmas Logs and Cakes for 2015

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As with every year, Pâtisserie Tillemont loves to create desserts for the Holidays. Christmas logs, fondant cakes, sugar cookies and gift baskets are only part of the new products we will make for the month of December. For 2015 our Head Pastry Chef has decided on the following log flavours.

All Christmas Logs will be 10″ and will serve 12-15 people

Chocolate ganache: $35
Ferrero Rocher: 38
Grand Marnier: 35$ (French)
Chocolate Ricotta: $38
Chocolate mousse with caramel on brownie: $38
Strawberry Shortcake: $35
Vanilla and fresh fruits: $35

We also will make our traditional Ornament cakes in both blue and red colours, they have a vanilla sponge cake with a Nutella cream cheese filling. Sizes will serve 6-8 people and is priced at 35$.

Gift baskets can vary in price so the best way to get information is to contact one of our representatives at 514-727-9466.

Hand decorated fondant cookies are 3.25$ each

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